Chengyi Qu, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department of Computing and Software Engineering,

U.A. Whitaker College of Engineering,

Florida Gulf Coast University

Email: cqu at fgcu dot edu

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 Edge/Cloud Computing · Cybersecurity · Drone Video Analytics · FANET · Machine Learning

Short Biography

Dr. Chengyi Qu joined FGCU as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computing & Software Engineering in the fall of 2023. Previously he was a research assistant at the University of Missouri-Columbia and the Department of Energy at Argonne National Lab. Dr. Qu graduated from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 2023 with a Ph.D. in Computer Science. He received his Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering from Northeastern University (China) in 2016.

Chengyi has an impressive publication record, with over 20 peer-reviewed papers in a range of prestigious conference and journal venues. He has even had the honor of presenting his research at the top-tier IEEE INFOCOM conference, showcasing his expertise in the field of networking.

As an Assistant Professor, Chengyi has successfully led teams of graduate, undergraduate, and visiting scholars in a variety of Federal, State, and University projects. His research has also involved collaboration with a diverse range of institutions, including the University of Florida, University of Missouri, U‑Mass Amherst, RENCI, USC ISI, Purdue, U of Chi., U at Buffalo SUNY, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological U, U-Paris, Ritsumeikan university, and Missouri S & T.

Chengyi is also highly engaged in the academic community, serving as a peer-reviewer for several prominent international IEEE/ACM conferences and journals. His expertise is highly valued in the industry, and he has contributed to the peer-review process for TNSM, MobiSys, GlobeCOM, ICCCN, TMC, TSC, CIoT, ICC, JNCA, FGCS, and IM.

Chengyi's passion for education is evident through his experience as a teaching assistant and lab instructor on four EECS courses and three IT courses. He is a dedicated and valued member of the academic community, and his contributions to the field have earned him membership in both the IEEE Student Member and IEEE Communication Society. He earned the Outstanding Ph.D. student award in Mizzou Engineering College in 2023. 

Part of Research Projects

Detailed CV

Please check the following link for Chengyi Qu's up-to-date CV: Chengyi Qu's CV 

Cybersecurity Research Lab (EagleCyberNest)

We’re the 1st student research lab focused on network and cybersecurity in the computing and software engineering department!!!

This research job counts for FGCU service-learning hours!

We have tons of network devices and resources (e.g., routers, switches, racks, high-speed network)!!!

We are hiring! Please send me your resume to my email (FGCU students only). 

(Official Lab Website Coming Soon!)

Get in touch at cqu at fgcu dot edu